No One Here Gets OAuth Alive (flickr)

I love web services, I love API, I can’t say the same for OAuth!

It’s frustrating at times, when you’re not using any of the existing libraries to get the entire flow running.

If you have a headless server, with a terminal console and limited programming languages at hand, one of the best options you have is cURL.

There’s a lot of documentation out there about this tool, and the official manual is more than enough to start with.

I’ll try to guide you through the Kafkaesque OAuth process using a web service API that still uses the 1.0 revision of OAuth: flickr

To follow the steps all you need is cURL, openssl and sed. I am using Amazon Linux on EC2. I assume you already have a flickr account.

1. Get an API Key


2. Get a Request Token:

[code language=”bash” gutter=”true” light=”false”]

timestamp="$(/bin/date +%s)"
nonce="$(/bin/date +%s%T%N | /usr/bin/openssl base64 | /bin/sed -e s’/[+=/]//g’)"



basestring="$(echo ${request_url}’&oauth_callback%3Doob%26oauth_consumer_key%3D’${consumerkey}’%26oauth_nonce%3D’${nonce}’%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D’${timestamp}’%26oauth_version%3D1.0′)"
echo ‘basestring=’${basestring}

signature="$(echo -n ${basestring} | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac ${consumersecret}’&’ -binary | /usr/bin/openssl base64 | /bin/sed -e s’/+/%2B/’ -e s’///%2F/’ -e s’/=/%3D/’)"
echo ‘signature=’${signature}

request_output="$(/usr/bin/curl –compressed -s -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" ""${consumerkey}"&oauth_nonce="${nonce}"&oauth_signature="${signature}"&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp="${timestamp}"&oauth_version=1.0")"
# echo ‘request_output = ‘"${request_output}"
echo ${request_output} | awk -F'[;&]’ ‘{print $1}’
oauth_token="$(echo ${request_output} | awk -F'[;&]’ ‘{print $2}’)"
oauth_token_secret="$(echo ${request_output} | awk -F'[;&]’ ‘{print $3}’)"

echo ${oauth_token}
echo ${oauth_token_secret}
echo ”
echo "Please ask your user to open this url: ‘"${oauth_token}"’"


3. Get User Authorization:

From step 2 you need to note down the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret, you’ll need them later. Open in a browser window the url resulting from the step 2. Once you authorize it, you’ll get a code, this is the oauth_verifier:


4. Get an Access Token:

[code language=”bash” gutter=”true” light=”false”]

timestamp="$(/bin/date +%s)"
nonce="$(/bin/date +%s%T%N | /usr/bin/openssl base64 | /bin/sed -e s’/[+=/]//g’)"



basestring="$(echo ${request_url}’&oauth_consumer_key%3D’${consumerkey}’%26oauth_nonce%3D’${nonce}’%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D’${timestamp}’%26oauth_token%3D’${oauth_token}’%26oauth_verifier%3D’${oauth_verifier}’%26oauth_version%3D1.0′)"
echo ‘basestring = ‘${basestring}

signature="$(echo -n ${basestring} | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac ${consumersecret}’&’${oauth_token_secret} -binary | /usr/bin/openssl base64 | /bin/sed -e s’/+/%2B/’ -e s’///%2F/’ -e s’/=/%3D/’)"
echo ‘signature = ‘${signature}

request_output="$(/usr/bin/curl –compressed -s -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" ""${consumerkey}"&oauth_nonce="${nonce}"&oauth_signature="${signature}"&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp="${timestamp}"&oauth_token="${oauth_token}"&oauth_verifier="${oauth_verifier}"&oauth_version=1.0")"
echo ‘request_output = ‘"${request_output}"

oauth_token="$(echo ${request_output} | awk -F'[;&]’ ‘{print $2}’)"
oauth_token_secret="$(echo ${request_output} | awk -F'[;&]’ ‘{print $3}’)"

echo ${oauth_token}
echo ${oauth_token_secret}


5. Use the Access Token with API calls:

According to the OAuth 1.0 spec the Access Token should never expire. So you only need to do the steps 1-4 one time.

With every API call you should use the oauth_token you received in step 4, in this example I’m using the flickr.test.login

[code language=”bash” gutter=”true” light=”false”]

timestamp="$(/bin/date +%s)"
nonce="$(/bin/date +%s%T%N | /usr/bin/openssl base64 | /bin/sed -e s’/[+=/]//g’)"



basestring="$(echo ${request_url}’&format%3Djson%26method%3Dflickr.test.login%26nojsoncallback%3D1%26oauth_consumer_key%3D’${consumerkey}’%26oauth_nonce%3D’${nonce}’%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D’${timestamp}’%26oauth_token%3D’${oauth_token}’%26oauth_version%3D1.0′)"
echo ‘basestring = ‘${basestring}

signature="$(echo -n ${basestring} | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac ${consumersecret}’&’${oauth_token_secret} -binary | /usr/bin/openssl base64 | /bin/sed -e s’/+/%2B/’ -e s’///%2F/’ -e s’/=/%3D/’)"
echo ‘signature = ‘${signature}

request_output="$(/usr/bin/curl –compressed -s -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" ""${consumerkey}"&oauth_nonce="${nonce}"&oauth_signature="${signature}"&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp="${timestamp}"&oauth_token="${oauth_token}"&oauth_version=1.0")"
echo ‘request_output = ‘
echo "${request_output}" | /usr/bin/jq .

if the call is successful you’ll receive your user id and username


# standing on the shoulders of giants: thanks to

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