Use a Power BI Tile in your web page

EDIT 2016-07-12: Microsoft has changed their API and policies and functionality, so this artcile is obsolete now. I will shut down the sample site. For details, please see:   Creating dashboards is more witchcraft than art and more art than science. Think about how many times you have banged your head to produce a useful chartRead More

Pin an Excel chart/pivot table to a Power BI dashboard

According to this post on the official Power BI blog it is now possible to bring your Excel file into a Power BI dataset as a whole (not only importing data); and use portions of it as tiles on your dashboard. Wow: you can (re)use your carefully crafted charts and amazingly engineered pivot tables in a web-shareableRead More

Twitter Trending Topics by Location, Date (PowerBi WordCloud)

One of the things I like the most about Power BI is the ability to use custom visuals. I did not try building one myself and honestly I think it’s beyond my skills, yet there is a gallery with a growing number of pre-build viz that you can download and use. Go to andRead More