Embed multiple Power BI tiles into your Web
EDIT 2016-07-12: Microsoft has changed their API and policies and functionality, so this article is obsolete now. I will shut down the sample site. For details, please see: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/what-s-new-and-what-s-next-for-power-bi-embedded-july-2016/
Code re-usability is at the core of programming best practices and Business Intelligence is no exception.
None wants to code multiple times just to refactor thousands of lines of similar code whenever there’s a change in business rules.
In my previous post Use a Power BI Tile in your web page we saw a technique that allows us to use a Power BI tile into a custom web page. More often than not, our HTML documents are composed by more than one grid or chart, so we need a flexible way to be able to insert multiple tiles on the same page without rewriting the same JavaScript procedures over and over.
I reworked the previous example to make it easier and created this simple function:
[code language=”javascript”]
<script type="text/javascript">
function EmbedTile(sTileUrl, sFrameName, iWidth, iHeight) {
var iframe = document.getElementById(sFrameName);
iframe.src = sTileUrl + "&width=" + iWidth + "&height=" + iHeight;
iframe.onload = function () {
var m = { action: "loadTile", accessToken: accessToken, height: iHeight, width: iWidth };
message = JSON.stringify(m);
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, "*");
window.onload = function(){
Feel free to reuse it or see it in action here: Two tiles in the same page
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