Power BI publish to web now in preview

Without JavaScript. No, seriously… According to sources from Microsoft, this newest feature will allow to publish interactive reports to any web page supporting iframes. Did not try it yet, but looks very promising. It’s not clear if MS will eventually charge for this once out of preview. Meanwhile, we can impress our customers and friendsRead More

Filter a Power BI tile on your web page

    EDIT 2016-07-12: Microsoft has changed their API and policies and functionality, so this artcile is obsolete now. I will shut down the sample site. For details, please see: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/what-s-new-and-what-s-next-for-power-bi-embedded-july-2016/ ====================================================================================================================== I received a lot of feedback regarding my two recent posts: https://moraschi.com/2015/12/08/embed-multiple-power-bi-tiles-into-your-web/, and https://moraschi.com/2015/11/30/use-a-power-bi-tile-in-your-web-page/ So I decided to continue in my exploration of the Power BIRead More

Embed multiple Power BI tiles into your Web

EDIT 2016-07-12: Microsoft has changed their API and policies and functionality, so this article is obsolete now. I will shut down the sample site. For details, please see: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/what-s-new-and-what-s-next-for-power-bi-embedded-july-2016/ Code re-usability is at the core of programming best practices and Business Intelligence is no exception. None wants to code multiple times just to refactor thousands of linesRead More

Use a Power BI Tile in your web page

EDIT 2016-07-12: Microsoft has changed their API and policies and functionality, so this artcile is obsolete now. I will shut down the sample site. For details, please see: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/what-s-new-and-what-s-next-for-power-bi-embedded-july-2016/   Creating dashboards is more witchcraft than art and more art than science. Think about how many times you have banged your head to produce a useful chartRead More

Pin an Excel chart/pivot table to a Power BI dashboard

According to this post on the official Power BI blog it is now possible to bring your Excel file into a Power BI dataset as a whole (not only importing data); and use portions of it as tiles on your dashboard. Wow: you can (re)use your carefully crafted charts and amazingly engineered pivot tables in a web-shareableRead More

Twitter Trending Topics by Location, Date (PowerBi WordCloud)

One of the things I like the most about Power BI is the ability to use custom visuals. I did not try building one myself and honestly I think it’s beyond my skills, yet there is a gallery with a growing number of pre-build viz that you can download and use. Go to https://app.powerbi.com/visuals?WT.mc_id=Blog_Visuals andRead More