La higiene de los datos se aprende desde niños (video)
Here you can find my latest chat about data hygiene (Spanish audio). And the Mind-map used during the presentation (sorry no PPT available). Thanks to @espacio_RES
Here you can find my latest chat about data hygiene (Spanish audio). And the Mind-map used during the presentation (sorry no PPT available). Thanks to @espacio_RES
Without JavaScript. No, seriously… According to sources from Microsoft, this newest feature will allow to publish interactive reports to any web page supporting iframes. Did not try it yet, but looks very promising. It’s not clear if MS will eventually charge for this once out of preview. Meanwhile, we can impress our customers and friendsRead More
In this second issue we import an excel file with data taken from the world Bank (GDP per country).
First video tutorial about the new MicroStrategy 10 Desktop: How to install